De Angelo Family Tree


I did the best I could trying to represent everyone in the tree but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or added please let me know

thank you…

Thank you to all of the contributors to this website. Jennie Deangelo, Rose Medoro, Barbara Kalpa, Linda Kurtz, John Deangelo, Mickey Deangelo, Lenny Deangelo, Rosemarie Deangelo, Donna Heising, Karen Tracy, Dolores Morris, Joanne Guilford, and more…. And thank you to facebook for many stolen pics too! If anyone wants to add some pics to this site just email them to Debbie DRM5000@MSN.COM or Rose RAINBOE404@MSN.COM Also if anyone wants to leave their contact info for other family members to reach you please email me and I will add it to this page.

Contact info for family

Debbie LaSpata

Rose Medoro

Barbara Kalpa

Find Family on Facebook
Rose Capello Medoro
Karen Tracy Curran
Donna Heising
George Deangelo
Linda Kurtz
Lenny Deangelo Sr.
Barbara Capello Kalpa
Cristina Kalpa
Michele Kurtz Kiszely
George Heising
Gary Bartunek
John Bartunek
Dawn Kurtz
Natalie Georgio
Maryann Corr
Debbie Medoro LaSpata
Terry Bevacqua Heising
Deangelo Family Tree


I did the best I could trying to represent everyone in the tree but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or added please let me know

thank you…

Thank you to all of the contributors to this website. Jennie Deangelo, Rose Medoro, Barbara Kalpa, Linda Kurtz, John Deangelo, Mickey Deangelo, Lenny Deangelo, Rosemarie Deangelo, Donna Heising, Karen Tracy, Dolores Morris, Joanne Guilford, and more…. And thank you to facebook for many stolen pics too! If anyone wants to add some pics to this site just email them to Debbie DRM5000@MSN.COM or Rose RAINBOE404@MSN.COM Also if anyone wants to leave their contact info for other family members to reach you please email me and I will add it to this page.

Contact info for family

Debbie Medoro LaSpata

Rose Capello Medoro

Barbara Capello Kalpa